“Tokyo Wanderlust” is a website that introduces the enchantment and adventure of traveling in Tokyo. Tokyo is a treasure trove of food, shopping, history, culture, and entertainment. This site provides information on experiences, off-the-beaten-path places, and hidden gems that can only be found in Tokyo, allowing readers to gain a deep understanding of Tokyo’s culture that cannot be found in guidebooks.
The site aims to provide useful information to readers, and introduces information on Tokyo’s lifestyle, business, entertainment, attractive hotels and restaurants, among other things. In addition, as the site is run by a band member, it will also actively provide information on things that people living in Tokyo’s local core culture might not know about. To make it useful for people who want to visit Tokyo before traveling, those who have already left, and those who live in Tokyo, this site will post a variety of information about Tokyo.

「Tokyo Wanderlust」は、東京を旅する魅惑と冒険を紹介するサイトです。東京は、美食、ショッピング、歴史、文化、そしてエンターテイメントの宝庫です。このサイトでは、東京でしか味わえない経験や、マニアックな場所、隠れた名所を紹介することで、ガイドブックには載っていない東京の文化を深く知ることができます。